Business 101: How to be Rich
What determines one person will make money and another will not? How is one business successful and another, in the same industry with the same assets and similar business models, a failure? Why would one salesman exceed target, perennially, and another barely cover basic costs?
- Be Bold. Be Brave. Push Boundaries. No-one succeeded following in the shadows of another. If you want it, go out and get it. Push comfort levels – you can’t get further if you insist in playing in the same sandbox all your life.
- Escape Previous Perceptions. Sure, you were once the geek at school. Your family were convinced you would amount to nothing. Your ex thought you a failure. Is that your opinion or is it theirs? What evidence do you have RIGHT now, they were right? You are your own master. Determine your own fate.
- Remain Level Headed. Be Realistic. The Secret and other such millennium consorts had us believe if we were not positive, bad things would happen. In reality, bad things happen. Shares go up, they go down. Property prices go up, they tap off. Economies expand, economies contract. There is little point living in a bubble of false positivity. If you are in a downturn – deal with the downturn.
- Trust – but set clear deliverables! Delegation is the single most important skill a manager can master. You can’t do everything on you own – you’re going to have to pass some of it on eventually. Pass it, trust it will be achieved, but set clear time frames and exact components required. If your business partner says he will do something – trust he will do it. If he FAILS to do it, you know exactly where your partnership stands.
- Dress Well: It may be comfortable to slop into the supermarket in your pyjamas, but would a potential client admire you for it?
- Be Seen. Know your Work. If you are out there and clearly know what you are talking about, you become a master in your own field.
- Allow others to Help. No-one did it on his own. Branson hires experts, Trump has advisors, Madonna has managers and songwriters and choreographers…there IS no single success.
- Great Businesses Put People First and Money Last: If your people are happy, they will be nice to customers and suppliers. If suppliers are happy they will be prepared to do more for you. If your suppliers do more for you, your customers will be able to get more. If your customers get more, you will get more… money.
- Deliver more than Asked. Always. Never set a deadline you cannot meet. Never promise what you cannot deliver. Under-promise, over deliver. That way your customers are always pleasantly surprised rather than bitterly disappointed.
- Spend Less then You Earn. Always. Wealth is built from growing your assets. Debt is created from spending more than you ever had.
Business Profiles of further interest:
Professional representative SSME company marketing. Empowerment through business, social, training & megamind network events Durban, Umhlanga, Ballito
Business Rescue Consultants, Business Rescue Practioners offering Turnaround Strategy and Management for businesses facing possible Insolvency.
Consulting tax / VAT practitioners, B-BBEE verification agents, company secretarial practitioners, business consultants for foreign business in Africa