Beyond The Storm Workshop
Whether you need to deal with trauma in your life, have negative life patterns that repeat itself over again, or you have simply reached a cul-de-sac and need a change. The workshop is guaranteed to change your life in a very positive and uplifting way. |
Give yourself the time and space to do the workshop and see how |
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

The workshop was perfect in every way possible. I am so grateful for everything. The workshop was truly a safe space for me to find myself again. I would not change a single thing. The workshop was exactly what I needed at the right time. I feel touched by every single person on the workshop. I am consumed with love and grateful that people like the Beyond The Storm team exist in this world. This was the most liberating, magical experience and I loved every single minute. Thank You! Jenna-Lee – Johannesburg |
The workshop was fantastic! I loved the processes and tasks. More importantly, the warm safe environment where I could share and be less fearful of not realising my potential. I feel the course has helped shift me in such a way that I can go forward knowing I am capable of whatever I choose to focus on. Rory – Kloof |
A truly wonderful experience. This workshop will be nothing you have ever attended, nor will you be able to explain it to your family and friends which I believe is the reason why it is so impressionable. It certainly takes one out of the comfort zone to deal with whatever needs dealing with. I can honestly recommend this for anyone who is not happy with life and needs to clarify what they need to do to get to where they want to be. Michelle and her dedicated team were amazing. Thank You! ~ Sylvia – Durban |
The workshop was amazing. A real eye opener for me. I truly felt like I was shown how much more there is to life and that there are endless possibilities for me, all of which I can achieve. Thank you for everything. What a wonderful experience. Kate-lyn – Kloof |
The workshop was extremely uplifting and shifted my thought patterns. The facilitators are extremely competent. You are truly appreciated. Thank you for everything. With Love… Helen – Durban |
It has been absolutely fantastic. It helped me to take a look at myself and what changes need to be made. It was great being on the workshop with my wife. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. I think the facilitator is unbelievable and she really is a special person along with the Beyond The Storm Team. I am extremely happy I did the workshop. |
I had some realisations about myself that I was unaware of. From some events I am putting behind me and some I’d really like to hold on to. I am proud of who I am and I will claim it proudly. The Beyond The Storm team is amazing. They are very special people. Tracy – Durban |
When my cousin told me to attend this workshop over the weekend I was not sure what to expect. It turned out I was blessed with an awesome group and a very special weekend. We were given tasks on how to handle situations in our life to achieve and expect a positive outcome. It came at the best time when I needed closure in a lot of things. The work taught me to value myself more. What was quite profound was that I realised that we are all dealing with challenges in our life. The workshop offers practical solutions and gives you a clear direction in your life again. I found inner peace with things that I needed to put behind me in order to look forward to a new beginning, a new chapter in my life. Thank You to the facilitators of the workshop and thank you for opening your hearts to people who want to find themselves. You all sure are angels on earth!! YES!!! I truly recommend the workshop to everyone. My friends and family can’t believe the difference in me. Moganayagee – Durban |
The workshop made me analyse where my bitterness and pain actually came from. I didn’t realise how these feeling were holding me back from achieving my potential. I learnt in order to get peace going forward I need to be open to the universe, God, and others who I will learn from and will guide me on my future journeys. I am now ready to focus on positive things and experiences instead of roaming in any negative aspects. I now surround myself with all things positive and I am so excited about the new chapter in my life. ~ Lynn – Durban |
The workshop has allowed me to spend quality time with myself and re-discover Cindy. No cell phones, no distractions, no children, just peace and tranquillity. The workshop helped me to finally understand Who I am and what I want. I loved the practical side of the workshop. It delivered more than what I expected. It has given me great insight as to how I should apply this to my life going forward. Mostly it helped me to let go of the past! Michelle and her dedicated team are absolutely amazing – Thank You! Cindy – Salt Rock |
Before the workshop I carried a tremendous sadness. It felt as though nothing was working out for me. My life was spinning out of control and went from bad to worst. I carried a lot of anger in me. After the workshop I felt as light as a feather. I handle challenges and conflict in a whole different way and with a positive attitude. I am proud of myself for taking the step to do the workshop. If you need a change I recommend you do the workshop. Kevin – Richards Bay |
Challenged my perspectives of myself and others. Taught me that I am worthy of everything and that I am very powerful. It helped me to centre, focus and to quieten the mind. It gave me clarity of my life, complete peace and strength.It gave me knowledge. I now know who I truly am. Therefore I have the power to make any changes I choose going forward in life. I have forgiven my past and move on to my new journey after my awakening and rebirth on the Beyond The Storm Workshop. I am blessed and fortunate to be surrounded by love. It helped me see my fellow humans with clarity, showed me that I am incredible and awesome, forever. I wish I did the workshop earlier in my life. It would have saved me a lot of money on therapies. The workshop changed my life in one weekend. Michelle – Pietermaritzburg |
Beyond the Storm Workshop gave me the basic tools to apply to modern day society. My purpose on this journey was to find more clarity within myself. Within the journey you cover all the basics of how to cope with life’s ups and downs. Putting the past far behind you and concentrating on the potential of your future with endless possibilities. The group of people I met on the workshop was extremely special. We are the perfect support group. A very special thanks to Michelle and her dedicated team who is filled with unconditional love, utmost care and support to assist you on your journey of transformation. I truly recommend this workshop to everyone. Clinton – Ballito |
The workshop has done a lot me. It made me a better and stronger person. I feel that I am in control of my emotions. I am so relaxed at peace with everything around me. The space I am in now feels as though this is the perfect point to work from to absolutely create and manifest anything I want out of life. I learnt more about myself than I have known all my life. The workshop touched a great spectrum of understanding myself and also understanding where other people come from. I have made many new supportive friends that are a family to me now. I know exactly what to do to change my life in a positive manner. This was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I truly recommend the workshop to all. Brandon – Johannesburg |
The workshop brought only the best out in me. This was truly an amazing gift to myself. The workshop changed my life forever. I am empowered and inspired. I accept myself and see the whole world in a completely different way. The workshop created a support group and I realised that I am not the only one with problems. I am so grateful for the gift of this workshop. I will never look back. My life has been completely and utterly transformed. Nothing will get me down. My bright future is unstoppable now. This has been such a massive positive shift. I am now creating a positive life from a platform of happiness and power. Ayanda – Howick |
The workshop changed my life beyond belief. It was one of the most profound workshops I have ever and will ever attend. They truly applied different methods to get a different result. I was taught to completely forgive. With forgiveness comes great power. I love and respect myself unconditionally. I completely accept responsibility for my own happiness. I have never been this inspired and creative. I absolutely love life. This workshop was such an amazing gift. Things will never be the same. The past is far behind me. I am building a bright new future. I am proud of myself that I respected myself enough to give myself this weekend. I feel free from negative patterns that were holding me back. |
I have accepted my past mistakes and I have let it all go. I know love myself for the perfect being that I truly am. I have self-respect and I am truly happy. The workshop showed me not to change to please everyone but to be completely true to myself and what I believe in. I now walk tall and proud and I do not lack anything in my life. I am my own unique individual. I do not need anyone’s approval. I learnt to appreciate my life, myself and to accept forgiveness, love and happiness into my life. I know now more than anything that I am great and I am amazing and I have so much to offer this world. Angie – Durban |
The workshop made me realise that I am a strong and very powerful being. I can absolutely do anything I set my mind on and achieve anything I want. I now have the strength and courage to follow my calling to help others and I can help others to follow their calling. It helps me connect to my inner strength, power and beauty and that I have an incredible purpose to fulfil in this life. I want the people I love to attend the workshop. The workshop is truly a gift. Claire – Durban |
The workshop taught me Who I truly am. I also learnt why a lot of negative patterns repeated itself in my life. I now have the tools to counter those negative patterns. By understanding why they present themselves in my life I can now avoid them and choose only positive actions. I have learnt more about myself and other humans in this one weekend on the workshop than what I have ever learnt in my entire life. This was one of the most profound experiences ever. The workshop is a gift to humanity. If everyone in the world attended the workshop, this world would be a better place. I am relaxed, in control of my life, my emotions and my actions. I definitely experienced a powerful shift at a cellular level. I am excited about life again. Alan – Umhlanga |
I have never ever in my life experienced anything like this. I have been on many workshops that promises it will change your life but it does not. The Beyond the Storm workshop delivers. This workshop is something so unique. It really exceeded absolutely all my expectations of the workshop. This was a personal journey to me. I rediscovered myself again. I got so much more out of this workshop, words can not describe the absolutely grace and enlightenment that this workshop offers. I am absolutely blown away and speechless. It was not always easy but I am so proud of myself for doing something for ME. I did it and I am on top of the world!!!! I made friends that will last forever. I am one of the workshops biggest supporters. They truly do what they say and more. This is a practical workshop and I was not bored for one minute. It is amazing how my life was changed in one weekend. This was truly life changing. I really don’t feel the same after this weekend. Things just started falling into place. All I had to do is take one weekend to myself. Taking this time for yourself with no distractions really is a very powerful formula. Opportunities are representing themselves all over. It is as though the workshop creates a shift for only positive things to cross your path. I am so grateful that I came across this workshop and completed it. Wish I did this workshop long ago. I am so excited for the next group to do the workshop. Thank you to Michelle and her team. I am so happy, free and more relaxed than ever in my life. I feel like a helium balloon stuck to the ceiling. I have never been this high on life. Truly a gift to myself. Yvonne – Margate |
I did a job that I hated and life felt dull. A friend of mine asked me to join her on her weekend workshop. I am so happy I took the time and invested in myself. On the workshop I realised why I was in such a rut. Why negative situations seemed to keep repeating itself, the same type of relationships and the same jobs. I finally had the courage and the insights to change my life. A week after the workshop two companies contacted me for interviews. I had sent out my CV all over but did not get any replies before. I truly do believe that going on the workshop changed my thoughts and vibration and I aligned myself with what will work for me. There are no words to truly describe the gift that you will receive on this weekend retreat. Angelo – Durban |
The workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever encountered. This was an exciting adventure of the soul that I will never forget. The workshop is a journey where you explore your own dreams and needs. During the processes, you receive tools to overcome life’s challenges in ways that you would never expect. I was encouraged to have a re-look at my life, I was given time and space in the safe environment that the workshop provides. I made changes that I feel so much happier with and I now have balance. If you can think it, you can have it. The outcome for me was breathtaking. I made the most amazing friends and I apply the principles of the workshop in my daily life. Lisa – Midrand |
I am a retired teacher and love spending time with the family. I always felt that there was a void inside of me that could never be filled. On the workshop I realised what created this negativity in my life. I managed to work through it over the weekend and with the knowledge what caused this negative self-belief. I am now free to live my life to its full potential. I did not realise that this one specific incident caused so much havoc in my life. It is now in the past and I can look forward to a new future. Margaret – Richards Bay |
I always thought of taking a weekend away with my daughter. As a working mom you don’t always get the time to truly find out what is going on in your teenage daughter’s life. The workshop was more than I had bargained for. I have never in my life felt so close to my daughter. For the first time we really understood each other. Our mother and daughter bond is stronger than ever before. I truly recommend the workshop to anyone. Angela – Fourways |
I think guys tend to put all their needs aside and focus on our careers and family. The workshop afforded me the time to take a break from all this taking care of everyone else syndrome. What I appreciated about the workshop was that I was never forced to share anything that I did not want to share. Even though I did not say much on the workshop I had lots of time to work on myself. I realised things about myself that I would never have thought to be possible. I feel fulfilled. I came back being a better husband and father, I felt renewed. |
I was in a relationship with a man who constantly cheated on me. My brother suggested that I do the workshop. I am so very thankful to the Beyond The Storm team. From the moment I arrived, I felt an amazing vibration of change in the air. I made new friends that feels like family. On the weekend I realised why I always end up with cheating partners. I realised my own strengths & inner power and beauty. The realisation that I don’t need anyone else to make me happy really came as a bit of a surprise to me. On the workshop, I discovered that true happiness is within reach of each and every one of us. You just need to know how to unlock it and the workshop is the key. Andrea – Pietermaritzburg |
My husband and I were going through a rocky patch when a girlfriend suggested the workshop. At first I thought, “we can’t stand each other lately and now we have to share a close-knit weekend.” This was the best thing that we could have done for our marriage. We finally understood why we reacted to certain situations in certain ways and why this got the other one’s temper going by understanding and analysing these patterns in a non-invasive safe environment. Today we talk to each other with kindness and compassion and we care about each other’s feelings.Susan – Margate |
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

Usui Reiki Healing Sessions:
In our tranquil sessions, we harness the universal life force energy to promote healing on all levels. Usui Reiki, founded by Mikao Usui in Japan, operates on the principle that energy flows within and around us, influencing our well-being. During a session, you’ll experience the gentle laying on of hands, as our practitioner channels this vital energy to areas where it is most needed.
Each session is a unique journey tailored to your specific needs and intentions. Whether you’re struggling with stress, anxiety, physical pain, or simply seeking a moment of deep relaxation, Usui Reiki can offer profound relief and restoration. Clients often report feelings of peace, clarity, and vitality after a session, as stagnant energy is released and balance is restored.
Our Three Levels of Usui Reiki Classes:
For those who feel called to deepen their understanding and practice of Usui Reiki, we offer comprehensive training in three levels:
Reiki Level I (Shoden): In this foundational course, you’ll learn the history and principles of Usui Reiki, as well as basic hand positions for self-healing and treating others. You’ll receive attunements to open your energy channels, allowing you to begin channeling Reiki energy for healing purposes.
Reiki Level II (Okuden): Building upon the knowledge gained in Level I, this course delves deeper into the Reiki symbols and their meanings. You’ll learn how to perform distance healing, enabling you to send Reiki energy across time and space. Additionally, you’ll explore techniques for emotional healing and delve into the ethical considerations of being a Reiki practitioner.
Reiki Level III (Shinpiden): The culmination of your Reiki journey, Level III focuses on master-level teachings and techniques. You’ll receive the master symbol and learn how to pass attunements to others, empowering you to teach and initiate students into the practice of Usui Reiki. This level also provides opportunities for profound spiritual growth and self-master
Whether you’re drawn to Usui Reiki for personal healing, professional development, or spiritual exploration, our classes offer a supportive and transformative learning environment. Each level is taught with reverence for the lineage and tradition of Usui Reiki, empowering you to become a skilled and compassionate healer.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery with Usui Reiki? Contact us to schedule a session or inquire about upcoming classes. Your path to wellness awaits!
Tarot Readings:
In a Tarot reading, we delve into the symbolism of the cards to uncover hidden truths and insights. Each card in the Tarot deck carries its own unique energy and message, reflecting different aspects of the human experience. Our skilled Tarot readers will guide you through a personalized journey, interpreting the cards’ meanings in relation to your questions and concerns.
Whether you’re grappling with decisions, seeking guidance on relationships, or exploring spiritual growth, Tarot offers a mirror to your subconscious mind and the energies surrounding you. Through the intuitive interpretation of the cards, you’ll gain clarity, perspective, and empowerment to navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence.
Angel Card Readings:
Angels are messengers of divine guidance and protection, offering love, support, and insight on our earthly journey. In an Angel Card reading, we connect with these celestial beings to receive messages of inspiration, encouragement, and healing. Each card in the Angel Card deck is imbued with the loving energy of the angels, offering gentle guidance and reassurance.
During your Angel Card reading, our intuitive readers will serve as conduits for angelic wisdom, delivering messages that resonate with your soul’s deepest truths. Whether you seek guidance on relationships, career, or spiritual awakening, the angels offer their loving guidance to illuminate your path and uplift your spirit.
Personalized Guidance and Empowerment:
The Tarot and Angel Card readings are not just about predicting the future, but about empowering you to create the future you desire. Through compassionate guidance and intuitive insight, we help you tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, so you can make informed decisions and embrace your highest potential.
Whether you’re drawn to the mystical allure of Tarot or the angelic guidance of Angel Cards, our readings provide a sacred space for reflection, healing, and transformation. Trust in the wisdom of the cards and the loving presence of the angels to guide you on your journey toward greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.
Are you ready to unlock the wisdom and guidance that await you? Schedule a Tarot or Angel Card reading today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Your destiny awaits!
Embrace Divine Connections: Lightarian AngelLinks Attunement
Step into the realm of celestial energies and divine connections with the transformative Lightarian AngelLinks attunement. This powerful modality allows you to deepen your connection with the angelic realms, specifically with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel, as well as with the loving energy of the Angelic Kingdom of Light. Through this attunement, you’ll activate and strengthen your spiritual connection with these enlightened beings, enhancing your ability to receive their guidance, healing, and support.
Benefits of the Lightarian AngelLinks Attunement:
1. **Enhanced Spiritual Connection:** The attunement facilitates a deepening of your connection with the angelic realms, allowing you to more readily access the guidance and wisdom of Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. You’ll experience a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and alignment with divine energies.
2. **Divine Protection and Guidance:** By strengthening your connection with these powerful archangels, you’ll benefit from their divine protection and guidance in all areas of your life. They offer their loving support to assist you on your spiritual journey and help you navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease.
3. **Healing and Transformation:** The energy transmitted during the attunement process supports healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. You’ll experience a profound sense of peace, balance, and well-being as blockages are released and harmony is restored within your being.
4. **Clarity and Insight:** As you attune to the energies of these enlightened beings, you’ll gain clarity and insight into your life path, purpose, and soul mission. They will assist you in making empowered decisions and navigating your spiritual evolution with confidence and grace.
5. **Expansion of Consciousness:** The Lightarian AngelLinks attunement facilitates the expansion of your consciousness and the opening of your heart to receive higher frequencies of light and love. You’ll experience a deepening of your connection with the Angelic Kingdom of Light, fostering a greater sense of unity and oneness with all beings.
6. **Spiritual Growth and Evolution:** Through regular connection and communication with the archangels, you’ll experience accelerated spiritual growth and evolution. They will gently guide you along your path of self-discovery and self-mastery, empowering you to embody your highest potential and divine essence.
Embrace the Lightarian AngelLinks Attunement:
Are you ready to embark on a journey of divine connection and spiritual empowerment? The Lightarian AngelLinks attunement offers a sacred opportunity to deepen your relationship with the angelic realms and experience profound healing, guidance, and transformation. Open your heart to the loving energies of Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel, and allow their presence to illuminate your path toward greater joy, peace, and fulfillment.
Upon completion of the Lightarian AngelLinks attunement, you’ll receive a certificate from the Lightarian Institute, confirming your ability to facilitate the process for others. As a certified facilitator, you’ll guide students through opening themselves to the transformative energies of Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. Join a community of like-minded souls dedicated to spreading light, love, and healing throughout the world.
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

This is a PRACTICAL workshop. There are NO long boring lectures and speeches. |
Basic Outline of the Workshop |
We guarantee that any life challenges that you are facing before the workshop commence will shift in a positive direction, absolutely 100% guaranteed. Whether you need to deal with trauma in your life, have negative life patterns that repeat itself over again or you have simply reached a cul-de-sac and need a change of direction. The workshop is guaranteed to change your life in a very positive and uplifting way. |
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

About the Facilitator
In 1997, Jacques Basson founded the Beyond the Storm workshop, laying the groundwork for a sanctuary where souls could seek refuge amidst life’s tempests. Upon Jacques’ retirement in 2013, Michelle assumed the mantle of facilitator, infusing the workshop with her boundless passion and unwavering commitment to spiritual evolution. |
Michelle McLeod is a visionary facilitator and healer, deeply attuned to the esoteric dimensions of existence. With a profound connection to the unseen realms from a tender age, Michelle’s journey into the mystical began as a whisper, growing into a resounding call to guide others through the labyrinth of spiritual awakening. Born with heightened sensitivity, Michelle’s intuitive abilities allowed her to perceive realities beyond the ordinary, granting her glimpses into the veiled mysteries of life. It was this innate gift that propelled her towards the path of healing and enlightenment. Embarking on her quest for wisdom, Michelle immersed herself in various modalities, seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe. She became a conduit for healing energies after completing her Usui Reiki Masters course, dedicating herself to both the restoration of harmony within individuals and the empowerment of future healers through her teaching. Under the tutelage of luminaries such as Vivienne Kueck at Stones for Africa https://vivienneshealing.com/ and as a facilitator at the esteemed Lightarian AngelLink Institute of America https://accelerate.lightarian.com/, Michelle honed her craft, delving deeper into the realms of energy work and spiritual exploration. Her journey led her to embrace Kundalini Yoga, finding in its ancient teachings a profound vehicle for transformation and transcendence. Yet, it was through the symbiotic inspiration of tarot and angel cards that Michelle discovered her unique ability to channel the vibrational frequencies of the cosmos, bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen. With each draw of the cards, she opens doorways to profound insights, guiding seekers along the path of self-discovery and illumination. Michelle continues to inspire and empower countless souls on their journey toward self-realization. With a heart as expansive as the cosmos and eyes that perceive the unseen, she remains a guiding light for all who dare to venture beyond the storm.
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

Why do you offer the workshop that is so profound at such a reasonable cost? Our aim is to make the world a kinder and caring place, that is why we make it affordable. We love helping people. It is wonderful to see the change in them over the weekend of the workshop. Is it religious? NO. Do I have to expose myself? NO. Under no circumstances will you be asked to expose yourself in any way. What are the trainer’s qualifications? Michelle Campbell is a qualified Life Coach. She has been involved in teaching and counselling extensively in various modalities for the past 13 years. Am I going to do any physical exercise? NO. The whole workshop takes place in a training hall. You are not going to do any physical exercise. Will the learning last? YES. All the work is done on an experiential level (cellular learning). |
Why do my friends want me to attend the workshop? Could it be that it was that profound that they want to share the experience with you? It’s unlikely that they would recommend something they did not enjoy and benefit from. It could also be that they believe it would enhance the relationship they have with you. Why do I need to do the workshop? The few days on the workshop will prove to be the most profound ever and will be the greatest gift to yourself. Can I do the workshop with a friend or family member? The workshop is about YOU not the people with you. So yes, by all means, do it with them, it will enhance your family and relationship ties. How many people attend the workshop in one weekend? Minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 people. What is included on the weekend? All course material & refreshments. What are the workshop times? The Beyond The Storm workshop commence at 18h30 on Friday evening and ends on Sunday early afternoon. |
The Beyond the Storm Workshop - One of the most profound workshops ever created!

Physical Address: Plot 115, Cnr R104 & R512
Brits 0216
Postal Address: -
Postal Code: 4420
Telephone: +27(0)72 458 9896
Mobile: +27(0)64 615 1993
Fax: +27(0)865996580
Email: life@beyondthestorm.co.za
Website: http://www.beyondthestorm.co.za
Directions: -
Latitude: -25.726333
Longitude: 27.830120
Send us a WhatsApp on 074 115 8608