Mariaan Botha Audiologist
Every voice should be heard.

Are You
Still Hearing Your

8 Sounds to Hear…
1. Frog Plop |
3. Whisper |
5. Clip Clop |
7. Leaf Rustle |
2. Owl Hoot |
4. Giggle |
6. Gentle Rain |
8. Pin Drop |
Mariaan Botha is a qualified Audiologist and Speech/Language Therapist.
Her passion for sound however is the main driving force behind her Audiology private practice that is conveniently situated at the Life St. Dominic’s Hospital, East London.
What is an Audiologist?
An Audiologist is a para-medical professional trained in the prevention, diagnosis, management and non-medical treatment of hearing disorders in adults and children.
Why choose a profession with the focus on hearing and hearing loss?
‘Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in most developing countries’
Research worldwide shows that 1 in every 7 people has some degree of hearing loss with 1 in every 10 people to such an extent that they will benefit from a hearing aid.
Hearing loss impacts on every aspect of quality of life from effective communication to relationships and decisions about the future. Hearing loss is “invisible” and often misunderstood, creating the incorrect impression that “hearing” or “not hearing” someone’s voice is a choice! People with hearing loss do not have that choice.
The motto of the practice reflects a strong believe that
“Every Voice Should Be Heard”
(How you then choose to respond to what you heard…
that is your own choice!)
More about the practice:
- Mariaan graduated with a four degree in B.Logopedika (Speech/Language Therapy and Audiology) from the University of Pretoria (1994). She is the sole owner of the practice that was founded in February 2002, after moving to East London!
- Although initially the practice also catered for Speech therapy to assist in speech, language and auditory processing disorders in children of all ages, her passion for sound took over and all her attention is currently focused on the Audiology part of her qualification.
- As the Chairperson of the Eastern Cape branch of the South African Association of Audiologists (SAAA) she has the opportunity to give back to the community while improving awareness of hearing loss and the profession. Read More…
- She is a member of the IDA Institute in Denmark since 2009 (after being nominated to attend a workshop at the Institute). Active involvement with the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA) facilitating a support process known as “Road to Independence” and the South African Hearing Institute.
- Registered with the Health Professional Council of South Africa (STA 0014834) and as Private Practice (No 8214417).
- VAT registered.
- BBBEEE rating: level 4.
- STAFF: One full time receptionist: Mrs. Linnae Clark
Practice logo: The “Koru”
- The koru as logo was inspired by a sentimental visit to New Zealand where the koru is a well known symbol in the Maori culture. The word “koru” means “loop”. The koru is a spiral, symbolic of the opening fern frond.
- The koru is a spiral, symbolic of the opening fern frond. It depicts awakening of the soul, new beginnings, positive change and personal growth.
- The koru also resembles the shape of the cochlea (the shell part of the inner ear).
The practice offers a variety of services grouped into three main categories:
- Assessment of hearing ability
- Management of hearing loss/disability
- Managing hearing loss in the Industry