Could you benefit from medical ozone therapy?
O – Ozone therapy
“A-Z The building blocks to become the best version of yourself”
We all know about the ozone layer, but have you heard about ozone therapy? It’s many health applications include improving circulation, reducing inflammation and even cell detoxification. In fact, due to its ability to oxidise (damage) the other layers of malignant cells, it’s even useful in treating cancer. Because of its brilliant benefits and complete lack of unwanted effects, we offer medical ozone therapy at Health Renewal in Durban.
How does it work?
Ozone is created naturally when sunlight hits oxygen (O2). This causes it’s two O molecules apart so these “single” O’s can either pair up to create yet more O2 – or a threesome referred to as O3, also known as ozone. Ozone can also be man-made. Doctors have been creating ozone as far back as 1856 to sterilize surgical equipment in hospitals. Today, however, it’s used to detoxify the body by inactivating pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Because ozone therapy targets hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), something that’s been fingered as the root cause of many diseases such as arthritis and cancer, it’s a wonderful preventative treatment for good health. Ozone therapy is also beneficial as a treatment for most contagious diseases, things like measles, mumps and the flu.
Ozone therapy is also a brilliant detoxifier as it can cleanse your body’s fluid of waste products like lactic acid and carbon monoxide. Yet more benefits? It stimulates the immune system, help normalise hormone and enzyme production, improves brain function, chelates heavy metals and reduces cardiac arrythmia.
What will treatment involve?
At Health Renewal, we use several methods to administer medical ozone therapy. One is via ozonated oil breathing. This involves running oxygen through an ozonator that converts it to ozone. This is fed into a beaker of olive oil via a tube where it bonds with the oil to create soothing ozonides. You can then breathe them in via an oxygen mask. It’s a great adjunctive therapy to treat lung conditions like asthma or bronchitis.
We can also administer ozone intravenously via a drip containing pure ozone. It’s a very effective way to boost your immune system. After all, our body’s white blood cells produce ozone naturally when they’re helping us fight an infection. This type of treatment is beneficial to anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease.
Another way we deliver medical ozone therapy at Health Renewal is via ear insufflation. A gentle stream of ozone is introduced into the patient’s ear via a special type of stethoscope to suffuse your brain and sinus area. It’s an effective way to help relieve inflammation and pain related to ear infections and sinusitis.
Visit Skin Renewal in Durban
If you’d like to try medical ozone therapy, be it to improve your health or treat an existing condition, make an appointment to chat with any of the highly-skilled doctors at Health Renewal in Durban. It’s one of the oldest and most natural ways to help your body heal, but incredibly effective.
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