Sri Sri Ravi Shankar visits South Africa
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar visits South Africa to establish an International Peace Centre
A key ingredient for peace, love, joy and bliss is often overlooked or taken for granted. This component is the breath, which is intrinsic not just to survival but for the very quality of life.
Through his Art of Living Foundation, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has taught more than 25 million people across 140 countries a powerful breathing practice, combined with profound and life-altering wisdom. The efficacy of these practices have been scientifically documented – it impacts positively on brain alpha and beta activity, stress hormone levels, blood lactate, the immune system, antioxidant enzymes, cholesterol and depression. It enables a relaxed alertness and general well-being.
Over the centuries, enlightened sages and saints recommended the daily practice of yoga, meditation and pranayama to prevent or alter the reaction to stress. More recently, Sudarshan Kriya has been introduced by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. This unique cyclic breathing practice uses specific rhythms of breath to re-establish balance in life as it simultaneously floods the cells of the body with oxygen and energy. This infuses the body with energy and harmonises the various levels of the mind body complex and thus rids the system of accumulated stress and toxins, releasing negative emotions and rejuvenating the body.
“We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer,” says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is known as one of the most inspirational speakers and has captivated diverse audiences across the globe. In India he frequently addresses gatherings of at least 100 000 at a time. The public events with Sri Sri in Durban and Cape Town is an opportunity for the public learn from this profoundly wise soul who shares very practical ways to live a content life, being harmonious in diversity and even adversity. There will also be an interactive question and answer session with Sri Sri.
An inspiring leader
Sri Sri’s vision of a violence-free, stress-free society through the reawakening of human values has inspired millions to broaden their spheres of responsibility and work towards the betterment of the world. He is a multi-faceted social activist whose initiatives include conflict resolution, disaster and trauma relief, poverty alleviation, empowerment of women, prisoner rehabilitation, education for all and campaigns against female foeticide and child labour. He is engaged in peace negotiations and counselling in conflict zones around the world.
In 1981 Sri Sri founded the AOL as an educational and humanitarian NGO that works in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Present in over 140 countries, it formulates and implements lasting solutions to conflicts and issues faced by individuals, communities and nations. In 1997, Sri Sri founded the IAHV to foster human values and lead sustainable development projects.
Sri Sri has reached out to an estimated 300 million people worldwide through personal interactions, public events, teachings, workshops and humanitarian initiatives. He has brought to the masses ancient practices which were traditionally kept exclusive and has designed many self-development techniques which can easily be integrated into daily life to calm the mind and instill confidence and enthusiasm. These techniques have helped thousands to deal with their daily stresses and to overcome depression, violence and other negative tendencies. One of Sri Sri’s most unique offerings to the world is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being.
Numerous honours have been bestowed upon Sri Sri including the highest state honour in Mongolia, the Peter the Great Award from the Russian Federation, the Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize from India and the Global Humanitarian Award from the USA. On 15 June 2012 Nyrnrode Business University in the Netherlands awarded Sri Sri an honorary doctorate. In its 65 years, the university has conferred this honour on very few individuals, including Nelson Mandela, President of India A P J Abdul Kalam and Bill Gates. Sri Sri has addressed several international forums, such as the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit (2000) and the World Economic Forum (2001, 2003), and several parliaments across the globe, including that of South Africa. Sri Sri travels to nearly 40 countries every year, exemplifying his call to globalise wisdom. His universal and simple message is that love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and distress. Ends
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