Giving Orphaned Rhinos a One in a Million Chance of Survival
Wide-spread poaching is pushing Africa’s black and white rhino population closer to extinction. One of the many tragic fallouts of the poaching crisis is the orphaned young rhino’s. ‘Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage’ is a world-class care facility constructed to give these magnificent animals a fighting chance at survival.

Handing over a check for R 50,000 raised for the rhino orphanage at Thula Thula, Carla Geyser, Yvette Taylor, Axel Tarifa, Alyson McPhee, Francoise Malby-Anthony, Gaetan Petit.
DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA (24th November 2014) –The Blue Sky Society Trust Founder, Carla Geyser, announced with tremendous pride that through the on-going success of her ‘One In a Million’ campaign, has managed to donate R50,000-00 last week towards the newly established ‘Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage’.
The facility is housed at Thula Thula Private Game Reserve in northern Kwazulu Natal. Thula Thula forms part of the Zulu King’s Royal hunting grounds and was handed over to the late Lawrence Anthony (the ‘Elephant Whisperer’) as a site to home the original herd of displaced elephant made famous in the heartwarming true-life drama. It is only fitting that his widow, Francoise Malby-Anthony, continue the tradition of saving Africa’s endangered wildlife on these sacred grounds.
Geyser’s principal is a simple one: Get a million individuals to stand behind Africa’s wildlife with a minimal donation (R 10 or $1) and together make a significant difference.
“This year my main focus was on launching my ‘One in a Million’ (OIAM) campaign, wildlife education and to also organize several world-class projects” said Geyser. “My ‘One in a Million’ campaign was launched on the 12th February 2014. My aim is to get one Million people worldwide to hold hands and show they care about our wildlife by donating a minimum of R10. By donating to the project you become part of the ever growing ‘One in a Million’ generation. The will for change is out there, we just need to take the opportunity to the people”. Geyser has spent the past nine months calling on KZN schools and getting the children to participate in this great project. Virginia Prep School for example, have risen over R14 000 by hosting a ‘green day’ for this worthwhile campaign.
“It’s important for the next generation to be education about the poaching crisis that is going on around us on a daily basis. We are currently losing one elephant every 15 minutes in Africa, and up to 3 Rhinos a day. We need better Education in schools, communities and overseas in Vietnam and China in order to help control this poaching problem.” says Geyser.
Currently Wide-spread poaching is pushing Africa’s black and white rhino population closer to extinction. One of the many tragic fallouts of the poaching crisis is the orphaned young rhino’s. ‘Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage’ is a world-class care facility constructed to give these magnificent animals the fighting chance at survival. Not only do they ad¬dress the physical needs of the young rhino’s but they nurture them mentally and emotionally to ensure that they are fully rehabilitated back into the wild.
To increase the well-being of wildlife in Africa the Blue Sky Society Trust has launched a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo entitled, ‘Rhino Orphanage – One in a Million’. The crowdfunding campaign is poised to raise $15,000 in support of the society’s latest initiative to help the recently built ‘Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage’.
The monies raised through the project will help with security and medical costs. “As the poaching escalates we need to save every calf we can. The orphanage will be run under strict security and rules with the main aim being to rescue, rehabilitate and then return every possible calf to the wild”.
You may make an investment in the ‘Rhino Orphanage – One in A Million’ at the Indiegogo crowdfunding project site or learn more at One In A Million.
Make a Donation…SMS ‘OIAM’ to the following numbers:
38448 – R10
40066 – R20
42166 – R30
Check out One in a Million Pictures at the Mr Price Pro…