Mind Blowing! MindGame Escape Room Umhlanga.
Family Entertainment, Birthday Party Fun or Corporate Team Build Event. What an innovative concept at MindGame Escape Room in Umhlanga, bringing the global entertainment trend right to Durban’s doorstep.
Appropriate for children fourteen years and older, corporate teams or just an amazing Couple’s Date with a difference. Mindgame Escape Room at Granada Centre, Umhlanga Village.
As Seen on TV…
If it’s The Big Bang Theory Crew you’re addicted to, NCIS type teamwork or a Malcolm in the Middle brain embolism you have going for you, the Mindgame Escape Room brings highlights of your favorite television series right to your home doorstep!
The Escape Room concept has appeared on many of your favorite television shows, has taken Asian cities by storm and has now made its debut in Durban.
You and your team are locked in a carefully crafted stage room and must use deductive skills with a degree of analytical thought processes to find the one key to get you out….
Not Your Normal Crossword Sort of Clue Game
With few preconceived ideas of what to expect, my mind did tend toward those awful I.Q type tests which invariably left one frustrated and feeling unequivocally stupid… Mindgame Escape is NOTHING like that!
The carefully staged adventure room holds a plethora of unique object d’art, which hold an adventure of exploration themselves. Within each, layers of carefully planted clues, a treasure hunt adventure to uncover the the intricate trail of breadcrumbs to the final locked box containing your key to escape.
Ingenious! Such jolly good fun!
The true genius within the game? Two minds really do make a third! The way ideas evolved from one player to the next is truly remarkable to behold. One brain will start an idea and only with the input from a number of alternate variations on that idea will the solution reveal itself. Subtle clues, nuances of information that can ONLY evolve from interaction between one thought and another mind.
What if..?
Yes, the thought of being entombed behind a locked door is intimidating. Your team is carefully monitored throughout the game and your friendly Game Master has a direct line (via antique telephone) to your group with a few helpful hints and friendly nudges in a different direction if she sees you are clearly off the garden path and deep into dark woods with NO clue!
Recommended For:
Birthday Parties, Corporate Team Build Events or simply a fun and entertaining way to spend a wet and miserable afternoon? Groups of two to six in a room. You have one hour to facilitate your escape (carefully marked on an ominous looking timer in the room) but expect to spend 90 minutes with brief and debrief sessions.
Great Idea!
As a First Date or 50th Anniversary Date, the Mindgame Escape Room Provides something completely DIFFERENT to do as a couple. Hey, if you REALLY wanted to blow her mind, perhaps one of those secret clue boxes could contain another little box and a special question?
Get in Touch
Second Floor Granada Square, 16 Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga. Contact: 087 238 2524
Mindgame Escape has a Party Pack Giveaway for Six to enjoy the Mystery Adventure of your Choice. Complete the Competition Details Here